Temple Collapse Simulation

I hadn't touched Blender in months but I got back to it and figured out how to link objects with hinges. I took the original design and split off individual segments then connected them together how I wanted. The simulation isn't great since it's a rigid-body simulation so the parts act like they're infinitely hard rather than deforming and breaking under stress. I did set up most of the hinges to break under a high load as I would expect to happen in reality. Unfortunately the combination of rigid objects and breakable hinges means many of the pieces just pop off immediately.

In any case, the point is to demonstrate the way the Temple would collapse during the burn. Once the safety supports are removed for the burn, the first level would be held up by one or more thick hemp ropes wrapped around the main central posts. When the fire weakened the rope enough, it would break and unlace through the support, staying in the channel designed for this purpose. That would release all the sides at the same time and cause the whole Temple to collapse at once, giving it a definitive end.

The next step, I think, is to rework this backwards to show how I intend the first level to be assembled—basically in reverse of collapse. I think if I do that, I can get Blender to fit the pieces together without being under exploding pressure.

Continue reading "Temple Collapse Simulation"

Some Rough Dimensions

I do need to go back to this last 3D model in Blender once more—if only to measure some dimensions. For visual clarity, I should add them to the images, but I don't feel like learning how to do that, and I really just want to get a rough idea anyway.

On the ground, the base of the trunk is 17' (5m) across. The area inside the trunk is a circular area about 13' (4m) across and 12' (3.5m) to 13' (4m) tall. This will probably get a bit shorter since the roof seems a bit thin, and that's what carries the bulk of the weight.

The first level is about 62' (19m) across, meaning it extends over the ground about 22.5' (7m) out from the trunk. Standing on the first level, the trunk is much narrower at 8.5' (2.5m) across. The second level is about 46.5' (14m) across, and the top branches are about 40.5' (12.5m) across.

The bottom of the first level is about 12' (3.5m) to 16.5' (5m) high, and its walking surface runs from about 13.5' (4m) to 18' (5.5m) off the ground. On the first level, there is about 7' (2m) to 7.5' (2.5m) of headroom to the second level whose walking surface is about 23' (7m) to 28.5' (8.5m) off the ground.

The branches at the top are only about 5' (1.5m) to 6' (2m) above the second level, so I might need to raise them. As it stands now, the top branches are about 31' (9.5m) off the ground with the very tips reaching as high as 35' (11m).

The tl;dr is that the trunk is 17' (5m) across, the whole Temple of Seasons is about 62' (19m) across and about 35' (11m) tall.

For comparison, the last Temple I experienced was the Temple of Whollyness in 2013 which claimed a central pyramid with a base that's 88'x88' (27m x 27m) and 64' (20m) tall with additional work that extends the base to 116'x116' (36m x 36m)—for all intents and purposes about twice as tall and twice as big across. This is similar in scale to 2014's Temple of Grace which was "70+' high, and had a footprint of 80'x80'; it sat in a courtyard approximately 150'x150'" In fact, it seems like this is the approximate size of most of the temples, and the scale is only growing.

Rendered Leaves

I got back to Blender and added a couple passes of leaves. I simply floated them below each of the twigs, expecting up to 4 on each one. On the "sparse" view, I put one leaf on about half the twigs.

3D-render from nearby with a sparse set of 232 leaves.

It's kind of hard to see the sparse collection, so here's the "man on the branch" view:

Person standing on the lower level with guard rails, small branches, twigs visible, and a sparse set of 232 leaves.

And then I went ahead and filled out nearly all the open slots—I think there's about 200 empty with 2,008 filled. Again from the branch-view for comparison-sake:

Person standing on the lower level with guard rails, small branches, twigs visible, and a dense set of 2,008 leaves.

Finally, I've been enamored of the "far-away" view even though I haven't posted much:

3D-render far-away view with 2,008 leaves added.

I think this pretty much concludes my work with this particular 3D model. Right now I can see making two models in the future: first is one that will be the basic shell with the mechanics to allow it to be assembled, and how it will collapse; second is a final design that will be a board-by-board construction that should really drive me insane. One change would be to go with 2×3 lumber for the twigs instead of 2x4s. This would make the twigs look, well, more twiggy and allow the leaves to stand out more.

In thinking about the next stage, I'm thinking that the crowning branches might not be worth having—at least not in the thick form they are now. From my first idea of how the Temple would be, I kind of knew how the lower level would be assembled and how it would collapse. Recently I devised a way for the second tier to be added, modelling it after a kind of scissor-jack that would raise it into place. That would also allow it to collapse straight down as the lower-level split outward.

Filling out the Lower Level

I got back to Blender today and quickly added some twigs to the lower-level branches. I was almost done and it crashed so I had to do it again … faster the second time, so there's good and bad with that. My eyes were going a bit crazy trying to see where to place things as it got quite dense. I think it's too cluttered with branches to permit leaves to hang off the twigs (at least without getting all tangled with one another) but I'll have to wait and put fresh eyes on it another day.

3D-render with guard rail posts, small branches and twigs on the lower level.

It's getting kind of hard to see, so I have another angle I've been playing with that's a person standing on the lower level:

Person standing on the lower level with guard rails, small branches, and twigs visible.

I'm not thrilled with this result, and having only added 50 twigs, it's not enough to get close to my earlier estimates of the number of leaves for solid coverage. I figure I'll have about 4 spots for leaves on each twig or branch. In these images, there are 268 lower small branches, 50 twigs, and 124 upper small branches for total of 442. With 4 on each one, that's only 1,768 close to the sparse fill with 1,900—although that was an even distribution on a hemisphere and not in a pattern mostly on the outer sides. By not filling in the top, it makes for an odd kind of tree, but one that seems to look okay looking from the ground.

Learning 3D

I decided I needed to learn a 3D rending software. I found Blender which is Open-Souce, and, hence, free. I read a bunch about the user interface and found it quite daunting because it was unlike any software I had used. Well, it was like all the software I had ever used, just mashed-up in a way I hadn't encountered yet. In 2 hours I had made it through most of the tutorial to make a gingerbread man and had a better understanding of how it worked. I was rather elated at the progress I had made. I recalled what it was like to learn something new and get good results—the kind of thing that fired my obsession with computers in my teen years.